Coaching – The GROW Model

August 26, 2013

In a previous blog we discussed how a manager can use coaching as a strategy for staff development and performance improvement. Today we will be discussing the GROW model of coaching, a simple yet effective framework for workplace coaching. The GROW model outlines four key areas of the coaching conversation…

  • Goals
  • Reality
  • Options
  • Wrap Up

1. Goals – this stage is about identifying and establishing goals. The first step is for you and your team member to set some goals for the coaching process. Typically the goals should centre around the behaviour that you or the team member want to change, a skill to develop, an issue to resolve, etc. During the goal stage it is all about working with the team member to understand what they would like to achieve.

Questions to ask include

  • What could we work on now that would make the biggest difference to your work?
  • What are the goals you would like to achieve?
  • How will you know when you have achieved these goals?
  • What would you try now if you knew it wouldn’t fail?

2. Reality – this stage is all about examining and analysing the current reality. This is a crucial stage in the coaching process because too often people will try to solve a problem or reach a goal without knowing or considering their starting point and the current situation, in other words, the reality.

Questions to ask include

  • Why haven’t you reached this goal?
  • What is stopping you?
  • What have your already tried
  • What could you do better this time?
  • How have you dealt with similar situations in the past?
  • What is working well right now?

3. Options – the third stage is options. During this stage you want to encourage your team member to develop and explore possible options. It is ok to offer your own options but this should be done if your team member is struggling to develop their own options. Your role as coach is to help your team member brainstorm and develop possible options based on the goals and reality. Your role is to guide and coach your team member towards achieving their goals. The best options are usually those developed by the team member. Don’t be frightened to offer advice but stay away from telling the team member what they should or ought to be doing.

Questions to ask include

  • What will you do now?
  • What else could you do?
  • What could be your first step?
  • What has worked already & can you do more of that?
  • What is the hardest or challenging part for you and why?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of each option?
  • What do you think I would suggest?

4. Wrap up – the last stage is the wrap up, and this stage is about getting the team member to commit to action to address their goals. This stage involves agreeing on the next steps and motivating the team member to action.

Questions to ask include

  • What specific step will you take next?
  • How will that help to meet your goal?
  • What are 3 actions you can this week?
  • What is going to stop you?
  • How can you keep yourself motivated?

Whilst the GROW coaching model is a useful and powerful tool you should always consider ways to further develop your coaching skills. We have developed a number of coaching programs that can provide you with the skills and knowledge to handle a broad range of coaching situations. For more information click on the links below…


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