Government Employee Training
Change Agents in LG
“It is imperative that your change agents are all on the same page.” So when was the last time you formally trained your change agents? Previous participants really enjoyed this course as it helped them to understand their collective roles and responsibilities within the change. When change agents reach a tipping point, the need for […]
Contract Management Skills for Local Government
This unique course covers the critical skills that contract managers need including consultation advocacy, influence, negotiation and conflict resolution which are critical to the role. The course does not cover sourcing, tendering or writing contracts as it is assumed that the participants already have these skills. This course was designed as a reflection and action […]
Emotional Intelligence for Challenging Situations in LG
At a glance your course covers: What is Emotional Intelligence: different models analysis. Core competencies: self-management; self-awareness; self-regulation; self-motivation and empathy Role of EI at work — social skills; making an impact; creating a powerful first impression; assessing a situation How to accurately perceive and interpret emotions Understand different emotions and manage them in the […]
Learn How to Bury the Hatchet in LG
The key to “burying the hatchet” is being able to understand difficult issues and have a toolbox of conflict resolution techniques. Employees and management often find themselves in situations where they are forced to work and communicate with people, but are unable to make a connection with them. Occasionally negative reactions to others can be […]
Understanding Local Government
This course is designed to help participants understand the machinery of local government. Would you like to attend this program? For maximum effectiveness, this program is best conducted as an in-house program. Ideal group size 4 – 12 participants Venue For your convenience, you can choose to conduct this program at your business premises. Alternatively, we can […]