Thinking On Your Toes

Critical Thinking Training

Confidence and being prepared are key when learning to think on your feet.

Even if you find yourself in the hot seat, that confidence will help you to remain cool, calm and collected.

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    Critical Thinking Training
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    Key Learning Outcomes

    At the conclusion of this program, participants will possess the skills to:

    • Understand how to stand on your own feet.
    • Ignore symptomatic thinking styles.
    • Profile the emotional impact of standing on your own feet.
    • Understand the impact of conditioning on your thinking style.
    • Avoid feeling the need to comply.
    • Allow yourself to feel comfortable being occasionally stubborn.
    • Set behavioural boundaries and protect your perspective.
    • Back up your opinion with sound data.
    • Leverage off the latest primary and secondary research available.
    • Learn to speed read and increase comprehension levels.
    • Communicate your ideas and concepts effectively.
    • Unharness the fear of being wrong.
    • Reposition your stance to allow others to save face.
    • Be aware of the power of context and perception.
    • Listen to your intuition and gut instinct.

    Course Description

    Plan of actionWhen you master the skill of thinking on your feet, you immediately instil confidence in what you are saying. This is a very astute business skill. It is astonishing that some people expand their learning in University and constrict their learning style thereafter. To securely think and stand on your own feet you need to be very well read and be up to date with breakthroughs and contrasting concepts.Help your people think on their toes and thirst for more knowledge.
    • How to set aside reading and thinking time.
    • How to securely stand on your own feet.
    • How to understand oppositional thinking styles.
    • Develop a self development action plan.
    • How to jumble up learning styles to keep the mind open to diverse ideas.
    • How to learn to learn more.
    • How to develop intellect and wisdom.
    • How to interpret information and read between the lines.
    "Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity." - George S PattonWould you like to attend this program?For maximum effectiveness, this program is best conducted as an in-house program.Ideal group size: 4 - 12 participants.Venue: For your convenience, you can choose to conduct this program at your business premises. Alternatively, we can provide a training venue at a small additional cost.Duration: This program can be adapted to meet your requirements.Cost: Price on request.Target Audience: Supervisors, Team Leaders and Management.If you would like more information on this training program, please contact: Deborah Dear on 1300 323 752 or email: or contact us online today.
    cta course

    Australia-wide training courses and workshops

    At Preferred Training Networks, we provide both in-person and online training programs for a wide range of organisations across Australia. Our Thinking On Your Toes is run by experienced, qualified experts and tailored to the needs of your business and your employees. Our leadership and management education courses are designed to help your team thrive and develop valuable skills that can transform your workplace.

    With programs available in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane and other areas of Australia, we’re able to help businesses across the country create lasting behavioural change and provide them with the tools they need to reach new heights. If you think your business would benefit from Thinking On Your Toes and the help of our professional coaching network, take the first step and contact our team today. Wherever you are in Australia, our coaching program can either come to your organisation or we organise a venue for your convenience. Find out what our training, workshops and skills courses can do for your business and reap the benefits for years to come.

    Get your free online quote right now or give us a call on 1300 323 752 to find out more about Preferred Training Networks and discuss your requirements with us.

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