Here are 7 reasons to welcome complaints as an opportunity rather than an annoyance:
- Most customers vote with their feet and don’t even give you the chance to fix a perceived value imbalance so be thankful they are still a customer.
- Measuring and reducing complaints as a performance indicator is often easier than measuring “increased customer service levels”.
- In marketing, there is a term known as the “bugger principle” Every time someone says “bugger” there is a business opportunity.
- Complaints are free and customer satisfaction surveys are not.
- Complaints will give you broader user perspectives. Often people are too close to their products and services and need to break free from myopic perspectives.
- Research has proven that if you conduct a successful service recovery you will increase customer loyalty levels.
- Resolving complaints involves dialogue with customers. Dialogue generates new ideas and increases customer engagement levels.
“A customer who complains is my best friend.” –Leonard, Stew
Would you like to attend this program?
For maximum effectiveness, this program is best conducted as an in-house program.
Ideal group size: 4 – 12 participants.
Venue: For your convenience, you can choose to conduct this program at your business premises. Alternatively, we can provide a training venue at a small additional cost.
Duration: This program can be adapted to meet your requirements.
Cost: Price on request.
Target Audience: Employees, Supervisors, Team Leaders, Senior Managers or CEO’s.
If you would like more information on this training program, please contact: Deborah Dear on 1300 323 752 or email: or contact us online today.