Nous Management Styles


Managing by nous is not as peculiar as it may seem. Leaders often report that some of their decisions come from a ‘gut feel” The decision just “felt right”. On the opposite side of the continuum is “paralysis by analysis”. The fear of making the wrong move is so great that all critical decisions are delayed. Opportunities are often lost because of a fear of being wrong and spending too much time procrastinating.

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    Key Learning Outcomes

    Your Nous Management Styles program will give participants the skills to:

    • Be aware of how nous helped human beings develop and survive.
    • Calibrate your nous listening scales – Do you really pay attention to gut instinct and/or common sense.
    • Be aware of how your nous management style is affected by career conditioning.
    • Break free from the fear of making some poor decisions.
    • Critique nous management case studies.
    • Critique analysis by paralysis case studies.
    • Allow your people the room to make poor decisions without a culture of dread and fear.
    • Critique ethical decision making case studies.
    • Build a nous management continuous improvement culture.
    • Learn some interesting nous management experiments conducted by behavioural scientists.
    • Understand how emotional intelligence influences our decision making.
    • Conduct a short TOWS analysis and identify niches using nous (only).
    • Oppose structured thinking occasionally to develop your creating thinking styles.

    Course Description

    This program helps participants be more aware of the power of nous. Without nous, human beings would certainly not have progressed as a species. Your facilitator will strip away misperceptions of the power of instinct. Your people will learn the necessity of balancing nous in making decisions.

    Your facilitator will also show participants how "nous" is a fantastic tool to use when you find yourself in an ethical dilemma.

    Nous management is not an alternative to disciplined decision making and the program was designed by a psychologist to help people develop a nous management balance and a nous zone of tolerance.

    As an exercise consider the role that nous management may have played in the following 5 breakthroughs

    1. The Electric Light 2. The Model T Ford 3. Virgin 4. Microsoft 5. General Electric

    "Ever tried - Ever failed - Never Mind - Try Again - Fail Again - Fail Better" - Samuel Beckett

    Would you like to attend this program?

    For maximum effectiveness, this program is best conducted as an in-house program.

    Ideal group size: 4 - 9 participants.

    Venue: For your convenience, you can choose to conduct this program at your business premises. Alternatively, we can provide a training venue at a small additional cost.

    Duration: This program can be adapted to meet your requirements.

    Cost: Price on request.

    Target Audience: Employees, Supervisors, Team Leaders, Senior Managers or CEO's.

    If you would like more information on this training program, please contact: Deborah Dear on 1300 323 752 or email: or contact us online today.

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    Australia-wide training courses and workshops

    At Preferred Training Networks, we provide both in-person and online training programs for a wide range of organisations across Australia. Our Nous Management Styles is run by experienced, qualified experts and tailored to the needs of your business and your employees. Our leadership and management education courses are designed to help your team thrive and develop valuable skills that can transform your workplace.

    With programs available in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane and other areas of Australia, we’re able to help businesses across the country create lasting behavioural change and provide them with the tools they need to reach new heights. If you think your business would benefit from Nous Management Styles and the help of our professional coaching network, take the first step and contact our team today. Wherever you are in Australia, our coaching program can either come to your organisation or we organise a venue for your convenience. Find out what our training, workshops and skills courses can do for your business and reap the benefits for years to come.

    Get your free online quote right now or give us a call on 1300 323 752 to find out more about Preferred Training Networks and discuss your requirements with us.

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