Middle Manager
Workplace Conflict Resolution Training
- Rid your organisation of the number one cause of workplace conflict – role ambiguity
- Focus on the root cause rather than addressing symptomatic responses.
- Build rapport with opposition thinking styles.
- Critique a 5-step conflict resolution plan.
Marketing Skills
- Understand how to communicate, create and deliver value.
- Discuss and interpret buyer behaviour
- Build levels of loyalty with targeted clients.
- Make profitable customers a priority.
Empowerment and Motivation Skills
- Apply the theories of motivation in the workplace.
- Boost employee engagement levels and enjoy the proven outcomes.
- Create a sense of purpose through goal setting and reaching targets.
- Implement a long term plan to sustain the motivational techniques applied in the workplace.
Supply Chain Relationship Building
- Develop rapport and build stronger relationships in your organisation
- Understand your supply chain’s decision making processes.
- Add value to your supply chain
- Learn communication skills for different cultures, generations and personalities.
Trust Building
- Discuss the need for trust in financial relationships
- Understand the link between lack of trust and low productivity
- Drive high performance and productivity
- Remove role ambiguity.
Stress Management
- Identify the causes and symptoms of stress within finance
- Discuss the stressors of dealing with difficult people in finance
- Utilise time management skills to get past chaos management
- Pursue positive thoughts rather than dwelling on faults.
Empowerment and Motivation Skills
- Apply the theories of motivation in the workplace.
- Boost employee engagement levels and enjoy the proven outcomes.
- Create a sense of purpose through goal setting and reaching targets.
- Implement a long term plan to sustain the motivational techniques applied in the workplace
Lean Thinking Styles to Reduce Waste and Gain Productivity
- Deliver a behavioural change to improve quality using Lean thinking techniques
- Address uneven work flow
- Deal with and resolve customer complaints
- Apply crisis management and remove chaos.
Email Writing Skills Training and Etiquette
- Recognise and remove the 4 biggest email errors.
- Use active verbs instead of passive verbs.
- Avoid using social media habits
- Keep your emails integrated and easy to read.
Building Rapport with Your Team
- Build rapport with your people
- Blueprint the employee experience
- Manage expectations of the mining sector
- Give and receive feedback.
Trust Building
- Embed a transparent culture
- Understand the link between lack of trust and low productivity
- Drive high performance and productivity
- Remove role ambiguity.
Managing Uncertainty At The Workplace
- Understand the importance of contingency planning
- Explain the root cause of the uncertainty.
- Set behavioural parameters regarding the change and uncertainty.
- Ensure your employees effectively manage stress and anxiety during times of uncertainty