How Well do you Deal with Difficult People?


How Well do you Deal with Difficult People?

At some point in your career you will find yourself dealing with difficult people. Sometimes you’ll be dealing with difficult internal people. Other times you might be managing a difficult customer. Whether it’s your direct manager, a team member, a colleague or even a customer, difficult people can be tricky, challenging and draining. Too many night’s sleeps are disturbed due to both managing difficult people and managing self reactions.

Deal With Difficult People

Would you like to learn ways to better manage difficult people? The keys to dealing with difficult people are to focus on the immediate behaviour, diffuse the situation as quickly as possible and to understand why they are difficult.

How well do you deal with difficult people?

Can you relate to these statements below?

  1. I lie awake more than once a week anticipating a difficult conversation
  2. I lie awake more than once a week replaying a recent difficult conversation
  3. I sometimes fly off the handle over something minor
  4. We seem to shift from chaos to chaos rather than pursuing our strategic objectives
  5. People avoid telling me about things I won’t be pleased about
  6. There is often a feeling of high tension in the air

If you can relate to these statements, our course on Dealing with difficult people is perfect for you.

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