Crisis Management Training – Taking advantage of the Crisis to Learn and Grow

October 10, 2016

Every business goes through ups and downs. Difficult situations arise every other day and it is important to be positive to face every obstacle that comes in the path. Crisis management training is important for all organizations to help them learn from difficult situations and grow irrespective of unfavorable conditions.

Planning is important

Every business has a business plan. The plan includes how the business will grow, what are the opportunities, market statistics and purpose. However, it is also important to have a crisis management plan to help your organization face difficult situations. Planning well helps your organization prepare itself from the impact of potential crisis.

Types of crisis situations

Types of crisis situations differ from business to business. Just like every organization is different, the types of crisis that an organization may face are also different.

However, the most common types of crisis situations are fire, floods, IT system failure, theft, unauthorized access to restricted areas in the organization, unauthorized access to confidential data , illness or absence of key staff, disease outbreak, power failures etc.

Minimizing disasters

When you make a crisis management plan, brainstorm with your team about how to minimize the effect of the disaster situation and what actions would be required to be taken. The actions taken must cause minimum damage to your systems or organization.

Train personnel

Train key personnel or relevant staff on how to deal with a crisis situation. For example have a fire-safety team and train the people on how to face if the premises catch fire. Train the security personnel on what steps they are to take if they notice that there has been a break-in into the premises.

Have a list of senior management personnel ready with their contact details who will be contacted in case of any crisis situation. Train the staff to notify the police or fire station in case of disasters.

Test the plan

Test how well your crisis management plan works by conducting regular drills. Test how the staff reacts to crisis situations and whether re-training or involving new staff is required.

Use crisis situations to learn

Whenever a crisis situation occurs, use it to learn how your business can withstand the difficulties faced. Use it to train your staff to face situations. Organize post-disaster or post-crisis sessions to help personnel given their feedback and thoughts. Involve various functional departments of your organization such as finance, housekeeping staff, security or even vendors if necessary.

Invest in resources if necessary

You may come to a conclusion that investing in certain types of resources would be necessary to combat such crisis the next time. If this is the case, brainstorm and invest wisely.

You may need to invest in resources such as IT backup systems, fire extinguishers, burglar alarms, human resources, backup suppliers, first aid support etc. Review the financial implications of procuring these resources and invest wisely.

Take advantage of crises and help your organization learn and grow. It will help you sustain the business and deal with emergency situations.


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