Critical Thinking Training

Lean Thinking Styles to Reduce Waste and Gain Productivity

Choose from the best cost reductions methodologies in the world Lean thinking was pioneered by Toyota after World War II. A few years later it required less than half the human effort, half the manufacturing space, half the capital investment and a fraction of the downtime, while making a wider variety of products and services […]

Strategic Thinking Training Course

People must think while they act, not in a step-by-step way towards a known goal but in irregular ways. Strategic thinking involves thinking ahead to what can happen; identifying what can go wrong and preparing for these eventualities. This can also be called long term planning. It assists us to be proactive and plan ahead. […]

Think Thoughts Through

Plan of action Many organisations and careers crumble as a result of a poorly contemplated policy. The policy may have been a great idea but it had not been thought through rigorously enough. Learn a proven methodology to test the strength of an idea before fruition. Historical thinking embarrassments A motor car company let an […]

Thinking On Your Toes

To securely think and stand on your own feet you need to be very well read and be up to date with breakthroughs and contrasting concepts. Help your people think on their toes and thirst for more knowledge. How to set aside reading and thinking time. How to securely stand on your own feet. How […]
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