Impact of Incorporating Real Life Business Scenarios in Professional Development Programmes

When you decide to take up a particular profession, what course of action is recommended? In most cases the usual procedure of obtaining degrees from various pertinent colleges would apply readying you for the post you desire. However, have you ever considered the usefulness of an e-learning course? E-learning offers people the opportunity to learn particular skills in an environment that is safe. It can also help a person to achieve high performance work practices without impacting customers and fellow-workers.
Helpful tools for an e-learning course
- When you train in software, using simulations has been proved to be extremely useful.
- E-learning can offers people the opportunity to explore, follow hints, make adjustments where required, and complete tasks.
- The environment of e-learning should help a person to get a 3-D feeling – as if they are sitting in a real store, office or warehouse. By use of different motions and camera angles the learner should experience the same feeling they would in a real-life setup.
- It is recommended that any setup in e-learning be based on actual case studies. An example would be for an office environment. The experience would include phone calls, e-mails and business meetings. The course facilitator should ensure an immersive experience for the learner. By moving to a specific platform through discovery, learners will be able to develop motivation skills and resilience skills.
Guide to creating actual experiences in e-learning
- It is a good idea to have interaction with the audience. You will be able to gather what the culture and business is all about and then put together the right type of package – illustrations, photos, animation etc. This will help the learners to follow the course better.
- Check out the more important issues for the learner to grasp.
- Take a good look at the company’s objectives and include case studies targeting the same. Another effective method would be to throw out multiple-choice queries and
- then getting the learners to evaluate and analyse the situation.
- While in general e-learning should be based on real-life experiences, there could be instances where all pertinent details should be left out.
- Use of photo-based avatars can prove a budget friendly method when compared to actual moving characters. Photo sites are available with models in different poses, making use of avatars a good option.
When developing e-learning courses the details should be kept simple with more focus on learning objectives. Say a real life sales meeting would take a few days to actually happen. In an e-learning setup such a meeting could take place in a much shorter time frame. This in turn will help to keep the learner more interested. Use of mood meters as in a hospitality situation would result in instant feedback from the learners. E-learning focuses on objectives in an abstract manner. It is why its approach proves so beneficial in professional development programmes.