
Dealing with Difficult Patients & Carers

The key to dealing with difficult patients and carers is to focus on the immediate behaviour. Then diffuse the situation as quickly as possible and remain safe. NUTS AND BOLTS Would you like to attend this program? For maximum effectiveness, this course is best conducted as an in-house program. Venue: For your convenience, you can choose […]

Patience for Patients

Working in today’s health sector can be challenging, demanding and confronting. Between Increasing workloads, stretched budgets and heightened political scrutiny, it’s easy to forget why you embarked on a health career! Undoubtedly for most health professionals, their career choice had a lot to do with improving outcomes for patients and somehow making a difference. However, […]

Workplace Safety Aggression Training

No organisation likes to think that violence could occur within their own workplace. Unfortunately, some individuals tend to react with aggression when faced with challenging situations. Instead of putting a pause on the situation and understanding the reasons behind the issue, they tend to respond quickly with anger. In these cases, managers might miss the […]
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