Influencing And Persuasion Techniques
- Create individual action plans to develop individual persuasive techniques
- Understand opposition thinking styles
- Discuss the importance of congruency in influencing others
- Use active listening and questioning to unearth critical information
Increase Billable Hours
- Lost billable time habits
- Expanding the brief
- Resisting the urge to discount to placate an unhappy client
- A tiered approach to increase billable hours.
Workplace Conflict Resolution Training
- Rid your organization of the number one cause of workplace conflict – role ambiguity
- Focus on the root cause rather than addressing symptomatic responses.
- Build rapport with opposition thinking styles.
- Critique a 5-step conflict resolution plan.
Managing Uncertainty At The Workplace
- Understand the importance of contingency planning
- Explain the root cause of the uncertainty.
- Set behavioral expectations
- Ensure your finance professionals effectively manage stress and anxiety during times of uncertainty.
Networking skills
- Body language 101
- Your purpose for networking
- Developing your elevator speech
- Gaining a reason to follow up.
Emotional Intelligence for Accountants
- Understand the concept and dynamics of EI
- Using EI to build relationships with clients
- Building rapport when its difficult
- Clients value relationships? Y/N
Stress Management
- Identify the causes and symptoms of stress
- Discuss the stressors of dealing with difficult clients and professionals
- Utilise time management skills to get past chaos management
- Pursue positive thoughts rather than dwelling on faults.