On behalf of the management of WesTrac, I would like to thank you and your team for the valuable assistance given to us in determining the content and facilitating the cultural integration sessions that took place as a result of a new business acquisition. We have had a lot of positive feedback from both the management of WesTrac and the newly acquired employees
How to Say No Training Course
How to Say No Training Course can save the unnecessary use of resources.
Some people struggle to say “No”. Requests that should not be approved can create havoc with budgeting, planning and resourcing.
Not saying “No” can raise expectations of a “Yes”. Maybe you didn’t say “No”, so the “Yes” is implied. Maybe you didn’t say “No” because you didn’t want to let the person down. But you might now have raised a Yes Expectation.
Imagine the difference if your people would say “No” to the internal and external requests that fall outside the zone of approval. Each unnecessary “Yes” costs resources and erodes operating budgets.
The course is also designed to stop people from offering extras. Some people just can’t help themselves and they offer more than is realistic. Satisfaction studies concur that customers get very irate because the “extra” was not delivered. But these satisfaction studies also show that if the “extra” had not been offered (which it shouldn’t have been), then the customers would have been highly satisfied.
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Key Learning Outcomes
At the conclusion of this course participants will be able to:
- Feel comfortable saying No more often
- Develop the confidence to say No without fear of ridicule
- Restate No when necessary to minimise misunderstanding
- Understand how some personality types struggle saying No and how to overcome the impulse to always fix problems
- Respond empathetically to perceived grievances
- Profile the traits of people who ask for too much too often and design an action plan
- Resist the urge to always follow “no” with a statement that allows a “maybe” interpretation
- Evaluate the impact of an unnecessary “Yes”
- Plan for requests that should not be granted
- Influence alternative win/win outcomes and thinking styles
- Practise the 5 laws of negotiation
Course Description
This truly unique course was designed by an organisational psychologist to help your people feel more comfortable saying “No”. “No” can be omnipotent and is often under-used for a variety of reasons including cultural, personality and cognitive differences.
The course can be very valuable at home too. Do you ever say “yes” to something you don’t want to do? Small children are the world’s best negotiators and what about family and friends who expect you to follow their every whim.
“To stem the flow of dough, saying no is the go.” — J. MorrisWHAT HAPPENS WHEN PEOPLE CAN’T SAY “NO”“One of our supervisors drove us crazy. When a complaint was escalated to him, he took great pride in showing us his problem solving skills. He never just solved the problem, he always added an extra or 2 to delight the customer. Most of the time the extra would not be delivered and the customer would call back the following week even angrier. We begged him to stop offering extras that we could not deliver but he just couldn’t help himself. Our department had the highest level of complaints and was disbanded. It was a shame because we were a great team and it was as a result of not being able to say No and extending ourselves unnecessarily.”—Anonymous and frustrated
THE NUTS AND BOLTSThis program can be conducted as in house training at your offices.Guidelines- Group Size: An ideal group size is 6–10 participants.
- Venue: For your convenience, you can choose to conduct this program at your offices. Alternatively, we can provide a training venue at a small additional cost.
- Duration: Each course can be conducted as a one day program.
- Cost: Upon request.
- Target Audience: Managers and staff: people who sometimes say yes when they should say no.

Australia-wide training courses and workshops
At Preferred Training Networks, we provide both in-person and online training programs for a wide range of organisations across Australia. Our How to Say No Training Course is run by experienced, qualified experts and tailored to the needs of your business and your employees. Our leadership and management education courses are designed to help your team thrive and develop valuable skills that can transform your workplace.
With programs available in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane and other areas of Australia, we’re able to help businesses across the country create lasting behavioural change and provide them with the tools they need to reach new heights. If you think your business would benefit from How to Say No Training Course and the help of our professional coaching network, take the first step and contact our team today. Wherever you are in Australia, our coaching program can either come to your organisation or we organise a venue for your convenience. Find out what our training, workshops and skills courses can do for your business and reap the benefits for years to come.
Get your free online quote right now or give us a call on 1300 323 752 to find out more about Preferred Training Networks and discuss your requirements with us.