Hire An Instructional Designer

Hire An Instructional Designer

If you need assistance with an instructional design project, we have experienced instructional designers ready to help immediately.

Some of the clients we′ve helped with instructional design projects include:

Boeing, Red Cross, Northern Health, Austin Health, State Trustees, TIO,Dept of Defence, Bupa, BHP Billiton, Hastings Deering, Queensland Rail, Pitcher Partners

Your very own instructional designer can help you if you are looking for help with any of the following areas:

  • To design an instructor manual
  • To develop new program material
  • To re-design existing program material
  • To develop appropriate visuals
  • To analyse the gap between existing materials and program objectives
  • To conduct a Training Need Analysis
  • To design a participant workbook
  • To design facilitator guides and workbooks
  • To transform materials to elearning
  • To review, assess and amend the program to fit with the overall objectives
  • To measure the training impact
  • To meet with key stakeholders to establish/confirm program objectives
  • To assemble a process manual
  • To assemble a safety manual
Here is a breakdown of how one of our instructional designers can help:
    • Meet a Subject Expert

      We will introduce you to a subject expert(s) and instructional designer with proven hands on experience helping other organisations with similar learning requirements.

    • Behavioural Change

      Identification, Diagnostic Analysis and Setting Objectives. Help us to understand your objectives and priorities. Initially it′s critical to get the management′s perspective of your behavioural change requirements and then to label and prioritise these behavioural changes correctly. It′s also useful to figure out the impact of not taking any action in this area and determine the likely consequences of in-action. Once your behavioural changes have been correctly prioritised and labelled, your designer can explore some learning options to promote and embed a lasting behavioural change for your organisation.

    • Data Collection Options

      Getting reliable data is critical. Three proven methods of collecting data are focus groups, questionnaires and observations. We often use a combination of:

      • Focus Groups

        Ideally we would like to meet a cross section of your intended audience. It would be very beneficial if we could meet two groups of 3-6 of your proposed participants. At the outset your subject expert will sign a confidentiality agreement to protect your intellectual property. Each focus group session usually takes 45-60 mins.

      • Client Meetings

        Ideally we like to meet with key decision makers who are driving behavioural change and your intended project. During this meeting we work with you to develop a learning framework to ensure that your key learning outcomes become the backbone of the learning program.

      • Questionnaires

        After the focus groups it would be ideal to send out questionnaires to all proposed participants. This serves two purposes. It picks up data that the focus group sessions missed and it also promotes buy-in to the anticipated program.

      • Observation

        On the job observation is a widely used tool to diagnose learning needs. We recommend this step whenever possible.

    • Steering Committee (highly recommended)

      Steering Committees can have an enormous positive impact on the project outcomes particularly if your organisation is going down a new path. The steering committee can keep the project focused and driven. Generally there are 4-5 members in the steering committee. Once we reach consensus on the project methodologies and objectives then the project has a strong foundation and flows seamlessly.

    • Data Dissemination

      This doesn′t mean interpreting “what′s wrong with your current skills and behaviours”, it means defining “what would be more desirable?”. We need to interpret the data collected correctly, probe the responses and agree upon a learning framework. Any secondary data your organisation has can also be very valuable.

    • Design of Learning Pilot Program

      Depending on your needs this may involve some or all of the following steps.

      • Design an instructor manual
      • Develop new program material and content
      • Develop appropriate visuals
      • Develop hypotheticals
      • Insert relevant case studies
      • Analyse any gap between existing materials and program objectives
      • Design a participant workbook
      • Review, assess and amend the program to fit with the overall objectives
    • Measure the Pilot Program and Build in Statistically Significant Feedback

      Your pilot program can be measured to ensure that the information and facilitator are a fit with the audience′s expectations. Statistically significant findings from the measurement tool plus individual feedback will be used to modify subsequent learning programs. Preferred Training Networks uses MBYDESIGN 4.1 to measure the pilot program at Level 3.

    • Train your Trainers (optional)

      You may choose to have your internal trainers and facilitators trained to deliver the program. Depending on their existing skills levels you could have all your trainers/ facilitators trained in 1-4 days. They will also have an instructor manual and immediate access to a helpline if they hit an unexpected hurdle.

    • Transfer of IP rights and FREE information upgrade

      All of the IP rights can be transferred to you so you can run the course unconditionally. You don′t have to pay royalties or any other fees. You can also take advantage of a free information upgrade on your training manual after 1 year. This keeps the information timely and relevant for changing audience needs.

    • Executive Summary for Management

      This 60 – 90 minute session will inform management about the skills the participants have learnt. This management briefing will also give managers ideas on the types of questions and feedback that they should pepper into their conversations to promote a learning culture.


After our initial meeting outlined in Step 1 we can provide you with an obligation free cost summary the very next day.

Our workbooks are designed around behavioural learning techniques. A typical workbook will be a mix of industry case studies, think tanks, proven frameworks and models, current papers and research, hypotheticals and action plans.

Sometimes you need projects completed quickly and we have a team of instructional designers that can roll out your materials to fit with your time frames. Since the materials can be owned by you, we can just be extra hands on board when needed. However, the major benefits come from hiring instructional designers offering the expertise, qualifications and objectivity required to ensure your learning materials successfully develop your key learning outcomes in your staff.

  • For more information contact us today 1300 323 752 or send you enquiry online.

  • We offer in-person courses and workshops run by expert trainers to organisations across Australia. Our programs are available in Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth and other areas of Australia. If you’re looking for management courses “near me”, save yourself some time and contact us today. Wherever you are in Australia, we can come to your organisation or organise a venue for in-person training, workshops and skills programs. Find out what Preferred Training Networks can do for your organisation. Get a free online quote now or give us a call today on 1300 323 752 to discuss your requirements or explore our full range of courses.

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