Cultural Intelligence Training

Culture and Diversity

Cultural Intelligence workshops have become very popular in the last 18 months or so. Cultural Intelligence (CQ) is the ability to relate to and work across cultures. People with higher CQ are usually more successful at blending into diverse environments. People with high CQ can quickly adapt their behaviour to fit with the environment. If you’ve ever seen a horse whisperer in action, you’ll observe how the horse whisperer adapts his posture and mannerisms to the horse. CQ is similar. It’s about how you can understand and fit in with different cultures. You’re fluid in different cultural surroundings and people

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    Culture and Diversity
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    Key Learning Outcomes

    • The macro view of culture
    • Cultural myopia
    • Cultural labelling and stereotypes
    • IQ + EQ + CQ = CE
    • The changing culture of Australia
    • Benefits of Cultural Change
    • Being a cultural chameleon
    • Appreciative Inquiry on what constitutes a high CQ leader
    • One size fits all communication strategy fallacy
    • The term culture is often misunderstood too

    Course Description

    An opportunity to boost the cultural intelligence of your team. This course also explores how our negative reactions to others can be as a result of value systems, projection, transference, personality types, societal differences in behaviour, cultural norms and conditioning. So, here's an opportunity to boost the cultural intelligence of your team. NUTS AND BOLTS Would you like to attend this program? For maximum effectiveness, this program is best conducted as an in-house program.

    Venue: For your convenience, you can choose to conduct this program at your workplace. Alternatively, we can provide a training venue at a small additional cost

    Duration: This program can be modified to suit your timeframe. Cost: Price on request. If you would like more information on this training program, please contact: Preferred Training Networks on 1300 323 752 Email: Deborah : or visit our website today:
    Cultural Intelligence Training4.6 out of 5 based on 104 user ratings.
    cta course

    Australia-wide training courses and workshops

    At Preferred Training Networks, we provide both in-person and online training programs for a wide range of organisations across Australia. Our Cultural Intelligence Training is run by experienced, qualified experts and tailored to the needs of your business and your employees. Our leadership and management education courses are designed to help your team thrive and develop valuable skills that can transform your workplace.

    With programs available in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane and other areas of Australia, we’re able to help businesses across the country create lasting behavioural change and provide them with the tools they need to reach new heights. If you think your business would benefit from Cultural Intelligence Training and the help of our professional coaching network, take the first step and contact our team today. Wherever you are in Australia, our coaching program can either come to your organisation or we organise a venue for your convenience. Find out what our training, workshops and skills courses can do for your business and reap the benefits for years to come.

    Get your free online quote right now or give us a call on 1300 323 752 to find out more about Preferred Training Networks and discuss your requirements with us.

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