Consultative Selling Skills Training
- Understand buyer behaviour
- Involve and engage your client through the process
- Create, Communicate and Deliver Value
- Build trust and commitment.
Trust Building
- Embed a transparent culture
- Understand the link between lack of trust and low productivity
- Drive high performance and productivity
- Remove role ambiguity.
Strategic Thinking & Planning Training Course
- Learn to use foresight and think about the big picture
- Become more proactive.
- Identify characteristics of profitable and successful organisations.
- Implement risk management strategies throughout your organisation.
Lean Thinking Styles to Reduce Waste and Gain Productivity
- Deliver a behavioural change to improve quality using Lean thinking techniques
- Address uneven work flow
- Deal with and resolve customer complaints
- Apply crisis management and remove chaos.
Supply Chain Relationship Building
- Develop rapport and build stronger relationships in your organisation
- Understand your supply chain’s decision making processes.
- Add value to your supply chain
- Learn communication skills for different cultures, generations and personalities.
Stress Management
- Identify the causes and symptoms of stress
- Discuss the stressors of dealing with difficult people
- Utilise time management skills to get past chaos management
- Pursue positive thoughts rather than dwelling on faults
Time Management
- Learn to plan more effectively and be in control of daily activities
- Use effective delegation techniques at the workplace.
- Set and complete personal and organisational goals
- Manage daily interruptions in the form of phone, email or drop-in visitors.
Listening And Being Fair
- Learn to utilise effective emotional intelligence
- Communicate fairness parameters and be intuitive
- Explain decisions using NLP communication techniques
- Use context connectivity tools.
Working Effectively and Efficiently
- Remove miscommunications
- Behavioural manufacturing mistakes
- Time Management 101
- Clarify roles.
Lean Thinking Styles to Reduce Waste and Gain Productivity
- Deliver a behavioural change to improve quality using Lean thinking techniques
- Address uneven work flow
- Deal with and resolve customer complaints
- Apply crisis management and remove chaos
Relationship Building
- Develop rapport and build stronger relationships in your organisation
- Understand your customers stated and unstated needs
- Relationship fragilities when FMCG focussed purely on the product
- Learn communication skills for different cultures, generations and personalities.
Listening to Customer’s Needs
- Learn to utilise effective emotional intelligence
- Communicate deadline clearly
- Listen to understand
- Develop active listening skills.