
Dealing with Difficult Members of the Community
  • Anticipate and accurately predict the impact of policies and procedures on customers and the community
  • Develop a plan to deal with the really difficult people that want to push through their agenda at whatever cost
  • Be prepared to take mitigated risks and accept ‘bad ideas’
  • De-clutter the mind and regain perspective and context.
Dealing with People in Emotional Situations
  • Communicate with empathy.
  • Communicate effectively with medical professionals with key listening and questioning skills.
  • Practise active listening techniques.
  • Understand the motivations and values of patients and carers
Interpersonal Skills
  • Discover vocal techniques to be more authoritative with allied health professionals
  • Remove ambiguity from patient instructions
  • Compose short sharp sentences instead of prose to get your message across to patients
  • Understand motivational styles and behavioural cohort styles..

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