How would you rate your organisation’s marketing skills?
Ask yourself the following:
- My team focuses on relationships as well as the product/service.
- My team know and understand our competitive advantage.
- My team puts the customer’s/client’s needs first.
- My team knows how to communicate value.
- My team knows how to create/add value.
- My team knows how to deliver value.
- My team understands the value exchange concept.
- My team tries to build loyalty with our key accounts.
- My team knows how our customer’s clients perceive value.
- My team is aware of the different marketing channels available to us.
- My team actively listens.
- My team has contingency plans when we make a mistake with a profitable account.
- My team differentiates levels of service depending upon profitability.
- My team trusts each other.
- My team meet their targets (performance and behavioural).
- My team is aware of the importance of meeting expectations.
- My team has a positive attitude.
- My team know how to segment and target profitable markets.
Your Marketing Skills for Everybody program is custom designed to fit with your organisation’s needs. Ideally, we’d suggest that everybody in your organisation who has any contact with your clients/customers should attend this program.
Participants will understand how their actions influence buyer behaviour. It’s pointless teaching one group of people to deliver an excellent level of service if another group is delivering a poor service.
Would you like to attend this program?
For maximum effectiveness, this program is best conducted as an in-house program.
Ideal group size: 4 – 12 participants.
Venue: For your convenience, you can choose to conduct this program At your business premises. Alternatively, we can provide a training venue at a small additional cost.
Duration: Your Marketing Skills Course can be modified to fit inside your timeframe. If you could make them changes that would be great..
Cost: Price on request.
Target Audience: Everybody who interacts with your customers/clients
If you would like more information on this training program, please contact: Deborah Dear on 1300 323 752 or email: or contact us online today.