Management Building Blocks


Build a customised management skills training program & people management course that suits your organisation and industry. Find out more here.

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    Key Learning Outcomes

    Change Management

    • Understanding the impact of change on the organisation.
    • Overcoming the barriers to change.


    • Understanding the role and importance of coaching and mentoring.
    • Providing effective positive and negative feedback to employees, where appropriate.

    Communication Skills

    • Understanding how to communicate with different personalities.
    • Understanding the benefits of ‘active listening’ and ‘questioning’ skills.

    Cultural Diversity

    • Communicating confidently and effectively with the Australian market.
    • Adapting an approach and/or communication style depending on the specific requirements of a particular culture.

    Dealing with Difficult People

    • Identifying what makes a person ‘difficult’ and developing strategies to deal with the difficulties.
    • Developing strategies to cope with conflict and anger.


    • Identifying and overcoming the barriers to delegation.
    • Managing the delegation process when mistakes happen.

    Employee Engagement

    • Defining employee engagement, exploring the key behaviours indicative of strong engagement and highlighting the factors that contribute to engagement.
    • Provide participants with the foundation skills necessary to engage team members.

    Goal Setting

    • Understanding the importance of goal setting.
    • Identifying personal and professional goals.

    Leadership and Management Skills

    • Understanding the different leadership styles and their impact on others.
    • Delivering outcomes to the organisation and stakeholders which meet with personal and departmental KPI’s.

    Managing Email

    • Identifying good and bad email habits.
    • Coping with numerous emails.

    Managing Meetings

    • Understanding the importance of effective meetings.
    • Communicating effectively during a meeting.

    Meeting Client Expectations

    • Understanding and achieving expectations set by the organisation.
    • Developing service recovery strategies.

    Motivation and Reward

    • Recognition and reward for meeting goals and deadlines.
    • Linking recognition, reward and organisational loyalty.

    Negotiation Skills

    • Planning and preparing for negotiations.
    • Applying the most appropriate style of negotiating based on the situation at hand.

    Presentation Skills

    • Preparing slides, handouts and notes that catch the attention of the listeners.
    • Holding an audience by getting them interested in your message.

    Problem Solving and Decision Making

    • Identifying the true nature of problems.
    • Preventing problems from reoccurring.

    Speed Reading

    • Increasing current reading speed by 3-4 times.
    • Increasing comprehension levels and recall capacity.

    Stress Management

    • Identifying the causes and symptoms of stress.
    • Staying calm and controlled in a busy work environment.

    Team Building

    • Organising personal goals with the team to achieve the desired outcomes.
    • Communicating effectively with all the team members.

    Time Management

    • Planning and prioritising activities to complete critical tasks and achieve organisational objectives.
    • Managing multiple tasks, managers and deadlines.

    Work Life Balance

    • Valuing employees interests outside work.
    • Promoting ‘real’ balance at work which supports employee values.

    Writing Skills

    • Recognising the number one cause of confused and disjointed writing.
    • Stripping away all unnecessary verbiage from your writing.

    Course Description

    The training process in eight easy steps:

    1. Decide which blocks of Management best fit the needs of your managers

    The content of The Building Blocks of Management training program is the decision of the client. Simply put together the building blocks that you consider most valuable. Each block can be conducted in an hour or a day depending on your specific needs. You decide how many blocks of management you would like to fit into each day.

    1. Pre-program exercises

    Participants are provided with relevant articles and case studies two weeks prior to the program commencing. Discussions during the training program will relate to these topics.

    1. Delivery of training program

    Delivery of The Building Blocks of Management training program.

    1. Executive summary management briefing

    Following the training program, the trainer will be available to provide a summary of key learning outcomes to participants' managers.

    1. Addendum learning journal

    A learning journal will accompany every workbook. Participants will be encouraged to make note of creative solutions to address relevant work issues.

    1. One-to-one coaching

    Approximately three to four weeks after the program, a business coach will contact each participant to monitor their progress and provide some specific ideas to address any issues.

    1. Measuring the results - Retention, Application, Impact, Training/learning index (RAIT™)

    RAIT is a valid and reliable learning assessment tool which produces a return on your investment, on any training program delivered. Developed by Dr Stanley Rodski, a neuropsychologist, this measurement system enables identification of training which exceeds, meets or falls short of learning expectations.

    1. Smart additional learning

    Individuals learn in different ways. An additional learning tool will be sent to each participant after the training program. All tools are complimentary and will be pre-approved by your learning team. Tools are selected that are likely to create a behavioural change in each participant, for example, articles of interest and reference materials such as Dale Carnegie's 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'.

    Measurement Measuring training has never been easy and measuring learning even more difficult. How do you know if the training you are providing is increasing learning and adding value to your organisation? The Building Blocks of Management training program is measured by Dr Stan Rodski, Chief Psychologist at the Melbourne Institute of Neuropsychological Diagnostics (MIND). Objective evidence regarding learning, training impact and business outcomes is gathered by Dr Rodski using proven psychometric techniques and measures, developed by MIND over the last 10 years. These include:

    • Pre and post measurement of the training program and learning outcomes.
    • Fully benchmarked data for comparative and improvement processes. Comparative data includes high profile leadership programs from around the world including USA and UK.
    • When/if required, behavioural interviews by MIND measurement psychologists to verify, clarify and expand on the data collected, from assessments with participants.

    A clear and detailed report will be provided. This easily understandable report establishes the impact of the training, learning and retention which has taken place. Trend analysis, time comparisons and benchmarking are all provided within 24 hours of evaluation.

    cta course

    Australia-wide training courses and workshops

    At Preferred Training Networks, we provide both in-person and online training programs for a wide range of organisations across Australia. Our Management Building Blocks is run by experienced, qualified experts and tailored to the needs of your business and your employees. Our leadership and management education courses are designed to help your team thrive and develop valuable skills that can transform your workplace.

    With programs available in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane and other areas of Australia, we’re able to help businesses across the country create lasting behavioural change and provide them with the tools they need to reach new heights. If you think your business would benefit from Management Building Blocks and the help of our professional coaching network, take the first step and contact our team today. Wherever you are in Australia, our coaching program can either come to your organisation or we organise a venue for your convenience. Find out what our training, workshops and skills courses can do for your business and reap the benefits for years to come.

    Get your free online quote right now or give us a call on 1300 323 752 to find out more about Preferred Training Networks and discuss your requirements with us.

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