Just in Time Know-How is a small pre-approved budget usually endorsed by the CEO. It is an approval to spend $x with Preferred Training Networks to provide just in time know-how. The budget is small (average $20K per annum) and the spending usually lies at the discretion of one of your key people. Our promise to you is that we’ll give you a range of ideas for every intervention. At the end of the year we’ll give you a report on everything that we’ve delivered and you can then make a choice to reinstate the budget for the following year. So your risk is low.
“Our promise to you is that we’ll give you a range of ideas for every intervention.”
Here’s a recent example of a project with a $20K spend.
A large health facility fared unexpectedly poorly in a customer survey. The timing was awful as the current NDIS rollout is giving customers more choice in their health provider. Customers were voting with their feet and choosing another health provider. Staff morale was low and the organisation needed a quick turnaround in the sagging level of customer service.
- 2 x Think Tanks with Senior Management team to identify NDIS funding opportunities
- 3 x Breakfast Presentations to Staff (Managing Patient Experiences, Dealing with Difficult Carers & Positive Experiences for Patients)
- 1 x Appreciative Inquiry to interpret what excellent out patient services could look like
- 2 x Blended learning sessions made available to staff and uploaded to the LMS The project reached a total of 163 employees and managers.
Please let your consultant know if you’d like to discuss some ideas that we could provide for your organisation.
Contact us today: 1300 323 752 Offices in Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Perth and Brisbane.