View All Courses | List viewHow to Eliminate Empty Chairs at Training
Discover how to fill your training sessions to capacity. Wave goodbye to no-shows and last minute cancellations. Discover proven expert tips and techniques to eliminate empty seats at your training sessions. Develop your internal marketing skills and you’ll see your participant numbers escalate. Instead of no-shows you’ll have waiting lists. You’ll also learn how to morph into an internal consultant. […]
Humour At Work
Plan of action Would you believe that a humorous manager is more productive than a manager without a good sense of humour? A humorous manager usually has staff that are more loyal and more likely to give discretionary effort to the organisation. People perform better when they are in a good mood. This course was designed to teach people a […]
Ideas Generating
Unfortunately many people don’t know how to build an “ideas generating” organisational culture. If you only do one training program with your team this year, then the “Ideas Generating” training program should be at the top of your list. Action Plan How to promote an ‘Ideas Generating’ culture. Tools to move your company beyond the prehistoric ‘suggestion box’. How to […]
Innovation At Work
As innovative confidence grows, the final group activity will help participants discover how to turn ideas into products processes and service. If you’re seriously trying to make your people more innovative, then this is a must-do course. Workplace Innovation is an action rather than a contemplation. “The final group activity will help participants discover how to turn ideas into products, […]
Internal Supporting Skills
A point to ponder When very major building projects are undertaken, the project managers know that the project will often move at the pace of the slowest performers. So, the project management team will invest far more resources fixing the delays and processes that unnecessarily slow down the project. This proactive approach also reduces bottlenecks, double ups and down time. […]
Lateral Light Bulbs Training
“LATERAL LIGHTBULBS” Improve productivity and promote simplicity! The lights at Reception were misbehaving. Management decided to change all 12 lightbulbs. A project began with the file name “Change Reception lights”. A steering committee was formed and a number of issues and concerns were raised. The table below captures the main activities: Concerns Getting Input and Generating Solutions Number of People […]
Leisure Management
Imagine the difference if your managers and staff could manage the centre more effectively. Imagine anticipating and solving problems in their infancy rather than a crisis management approach. Imagine being able to deflect anger rather than meet the anger head on. To address these concerns, we’ve designed this short, practical management course specifically for leisure centre managers, supervisors and team […]
Line in the Sand Training
After the course you’ll find the participants referring to the line in the sand. It’s a clear marker and an easy visual for people to remember. You’ll also notice the participants have a pep in their step the very next day. Would you like to attend this program? For maximum effectiveness, this program is best conducted as an in-house program. […]
More With Less
The program provides participants with the practical techniques and tools to manage their workload during a busy workday. Ask yourself the following: Our processes are lean and are constantly improved. We set aside time every day to plan the next day’s activities. We set clear priorities and work on the most important things one at a time. We meet deadlines […]
Non Verbal Communication – Body Language Training Course
Verbal communication (talking) is only responsible for about 15% of communication. The majority of the message is communicated and transmitted through body language (also known as non-verbal communication). Consider your reaction about how you might interpret a message from a manager whom you met in the corridor and they asked your opinion on what colour the office should be if […]
Perception Management Techniques
What does Einstein’s revelation mean in business today? Does it really mean that “reality” is only your reality and no one else’s reality? Learn about the roles people play in life based on their perceptions and conditioning. Learn to break down barriers and clearly communicate by understanding the psychology behind perception management. As the saying goes you don’t get a […]
Reducing Workplace Sickies
The Manager’s Guide to Reducing Workplace Sickies Although sickies are often joked about as being an Australian institution, they cost Australia billions of dollars every year. Of course, sick days are inevitable but some sickies are signs of despair and some sickies are discretionary. Every manager who attends this breakthrough program receives a “managing workplace sickies workbook” written by a […]
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Change Management Training & Workshops
Why Embrace Change Management? Employees often
Cultural Diversity Training
Communicating with people from different cultures
Dealing with Difficult Patients & Carers
The key to dealing with difficult patients and